Honoring Long Covid Patients
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Today we honor all of the millions of people who got Covid and just never recovered. These are people from all walks of life, every kind of person in society from race to socio economic background to gender to sexual orientation. Good people who wound up with Covid but didn’t get better like other people did. And they didn’t know why. And they were scared.Doctors told them they’d get better soon, they just needed to wait for their bodies to "heal". They were told they had to try harder and exercise more, which made most of them feel much worse. They were told they were just "depressed" from getting sick or that it was "all in their head" and they had to "get over it because they didn’t have Covid anymore and had no excuse to keep laying around the house". We all know how this heartbreaking story unfolds as it has happened to all of us.
People who got Covid early on in the pandemic and never recovered didn't get a diagnosis because there wasn’t even a name for it yet. They lived in constant doubt of themselves and fear about what was happening to them. They knew something was seriously wrong, but they had no idea what, and doctors either had absolutely no answers for them or told them things that made them doubt the very core of who they were as human beings. Many of these people were finally diagnosed with what we now call Long Covid, but there are untold numbers of people who are still sick in limbo with no diagnosis.
Long Covid patients are still suffering to this day and face what ME/CFS patients know too well - an all encompassing system of neglect, prejudice, abuse, abandonment and medical malpractice from all levels of our global society. When Long Covid patients didn’t recover from their initial Covid infection, they slowly started losing their entire lives and were often blamed personally for these losses as if it was somehow intentional or avoidable or their fault. They lost people they thought would be in their lives forever, and were often left to deal with their new confounding health problems on their own. No doctors, no glossy pamphlets, no medications, no treatments, often no understanding or acknowledgement from loved ones, family or friends.
Today we take a moment to reflect on what Long Covid patients have been through. [pause]
ME/CFS patients, caregivers, family members and supporters know this story well and can relate to all of it, but people unfamiliar with a disease that faces so little understanding and so much prejudice may have to make an effort to understand what the Long Covid patients they know are going through. If you know someone with Long Covid, please listen to them and trust their experience rather than telling them what you think they should do about their illness. Stay by their side by adjusting the expectations you once had for your relationship to fit their new limitations. Remember that they did not ask for this illness and they certainly do not deserve it. And acknowledge that they are the same person you have always known, just with a new life altering illness that changes the way they are physically able to be in your life. Whatever connection brought you together, whether it is family, love or friendship, is still there if you are willing and honest enough to look. Above all, never push Long Covid patients to do more than their new lowered energy limits allow, this is the worst feeling in the world for patients as it makes them feel completely misunderstood and the advice is harmful if it is taken.The abuse Long Covid patients have faced is the same abuse ME/CFS patients have faced for decades. And much of the experience of having Long Covid and the symptoms experienced are the same as ME/CFS. Some Long Covid patients experience PEM and some do not but we all have post viral illness and we must unite for the sake of our dreams of a future where these conditions no longer exist.
For research It is important to distinguish between ME/CFS and Long Covid because Long Covid patients have had the disease for a far shorter period of time and can also have unique symptoms caused by the Covid infection. Furthermore, treatments for both diseases need to focus on the particular symptoms of the patient, as these can vary widely, as we have seen in ME/CFS for decades.
Despite any differences, there is so much Long Covid patients can learn from the ME/CFS patients who have been living with this condition for years, decades or entire lifetimes and have developed tried and true strategies to not only stay alive but also to live as full a life as possible. ME/CFS patients can help Long Covid patients learn how to cope and keep going in spite of the uniquely profound suffering both illnesses cause and the myriad complicated symptoms we all face. Not all symptoms overlap between ME/CFS and Long Covid, but many do and there is no need to isolate or divide ourselves and figure these things out all over again.
Long Covid patients can look to ME/CFS patients for help and answers and the ME/CFS community should reach out and offer support. We are one community of patients with post viral illness. And we can all support each other and learn from each other when literally everyone and everything else has let us down.
We can help each other process the loss of our former lives and former identities as we are stripped bare of all the titles and badges and labels our former lives gave us to identify with. Once we lose our former lives we find ourselves spiritually and mentally naked and must look within to find identity, meaning and purpose. This is not easy, but it is a process every ME/CFS and Long Covid patient must go through to survive the new life that has been forced on us.
Please read my blog post called "The Naked Self" to learn more about this process of identity loss and finding yourself when you no longer have any worldly labels to point to.
PEM symptomatic Long Covid patients can look to ME/CFS patients for recommendations on managing the extremely difficult minefield of PEM with the lessons of pacing, radical rest, lowering the expectations we had for our lives -see my blog post "Lowering Expectations" for more information about this.
As well as adjusting activity choices and changing our entire lifestyle, coping with a crash knowing that it is only temporary, the importance of staying below energy limits, and so much more.
See my post "Staying Below Energy Limits" for a detailed examination of this process.
We have arrived here from different places, and while we must acknowledge those differences, we also must remember that we have one common goal: END ME/CFS and Long Covid. It is so important that all ME/CFS and Long Covid patients not only help each other, but also unite under this goal as one force to be reckoned with to a society that just wants us to go away. (until they become one of us and suddenly need our support.)
We must all push for proper research together. We cannot stand for NIH funding brand new Long Covid research that ignores decades of ME/CFS research and just winds up reinventing the wheel, leading nowhere meaningful. We need research into both Long Covid and ME/CFS that builds on the current ME/CFS research and then takes it further. Currently only 8% of grant applications submitted are funded and this has to change. Good, experienced scientists must be funded to do the important research required to make real progress.
We demand real, quality research into ME/CFS and Long Covid NOW; Research led by knowledgeable scientists who have brilliant ideas to actually find a diagnosis, cause and a cure.
Let's learn from each other. Let's advocate together. Let’s lean on each other for support and understanding when we need it most. And let’s help each other survive until we force real change to happen.